Sunday, February 22, 2009

Trip to the Gower

My friend Tim took Crazy Joe and I to the Gower today. The Gower is a rural peninsula right near Swansea with a lot of sheep, cliffs and obviously beaches. It's about a 25 minute drive I'd say, of winding narrow roads. At some points its not even lined and you have to almost scrape by cars going in the opposite direction. Time, an aspiring pilot, took the curves like a champ. It's fun but a lot scarier I think just because I'm on the opposite side of the road and I feel like I should be controlling the car. It was a clearer day earlier, but really, if you can see suns rays through the clouds here it's a nice day. The weather was also quite warm. the ocean was really pretty, we met a few friendly dogs, skipped some rocks and walked a mile or so down the pebbly beach and climbed some rocks, ascended a hill, climbed another rock, etc and so forth. The rocks by the ocean are really neat because of all the smooth grooves and passages made by the water. We tried to do some bouldering, but the faces were pretty small, and the one that would have been the coolest was a bit crumbly. Once we hiked up the bluff/cliff/whatever it was crazy to see how far up off the water we were; birds were way below us and whatnot. I forgot my camera like a duff, but luckily Tim had his, so I've posted a couple here and on my flickr . Just as I was finishing scambling about the rocks in character as smeagol, and commenting on how it was just like the shire up the hill on the grassy part, we found a miniforest that would be perfect for hobbits. We tried to go through it to get to another rocky part but there ended up being brambles and thorns and whatnot in the way, and it was getting dark so we headed back. We ended the day with my first Fish and Chips since I've been here. They were just alright though.

1 comment:

  1. I love the wind in here. I've been here during my wales holidays. I enjoyed it very much..
