Monday, February 16, 2009

Mid February

Well, this weekend was really good. James got in thursday night. he was an hour and a half because of a train delay and a missed connection, so i was worried but just happy he made it here. I had gotten a delicious side of salmon a couple of weeks ago for only 4 pounds (half off). i had been saving it, and now was the occasion. We went out to a club called Sin City. Everyone I know goes there on thursdays, its pretty fun and decently cheap. Once we got home everyone was up for a while, just kind of being drunk and loud, so at about 5 o clock we realized we probably wouldnt get up the next day early enough to see much unless we stayed up. that we did. James and I and my flatmates crazy Joe and Dan Hopkins took a long walk once the sun was out. We got big breakfasts at what they call a greasy spoon here which is basically a diner. We dressed up in ties to look respectable so early on a saturday. except i had on sweatpants. we walked all the way to the beach. James brought his nice new camera and took a lot of really good pictures (it was beautiful and sunny out) but his camera was kind of pooping out, so i don't know if we've lost them or not. :,( I also showed him the university. we got home at about 12 and slept until dark. well worth it i thought. it was a great morning. we both left that night: he on a bus to a ferry to a bus to cork, ireland where his friend mary is studying; me on a train to Katy's in Cardiff.

I brought my laundry in my camping bag. their dryer is broken so my wet boxers decorated the radiators on saturday. we dropped into a house party and then to young sarah clay's boyfriend's house where they were smoking a hookah. Me and katy traded outfits and i did my gollum impression. on saturday we worked on getting everything for the hitch ready. we had some forms to fill out and whatnot. we've bought our plane tickets back to london from marrakech so we're properly committed. i need to raise 350 pounds so if you would like to contribute to a charity that helps support impoverished african communities by building schools and hospitals then send me a message and some money!!! :-) We walked around for a long time trying to find a place to eat but the wales england rugby game was on which was a big deal. we also intended to do a little fundraising just by asking people in the pubs; the game was a bad time though, everywhere was too crowded and loud and people were focusing on the game. I don't like the idea of approaching strangers but I guess i'll have to. So instead of raising money we went out drinking later and spent a good deal of money. Vacation justification. It was really fun though, way better than the average night. we went to 4 or 5 different places as opposed to last time i was in cardiff when we only went to the one.

In the morning there was a mysterious mess in the bathroom: an empty styrofoam container of chips(fries) save a couple and some smeared ketchup on the floor and bathtub. We deduced that it must've been me because katy doesnt like ketchup. she must have pushed me into the tub, but i guess i might have been throwing them or something.

We slept in and watched tv most of the day. i felt pretty rough. she made me a lovely lunch of a chicken kiev, a potato waffle and a spinach salad. i took an evening train home. On the walk from the train station to the bus station i gave a bum some change which i never do which led to some very good karma. waiting for the bus i met a very nice christian computer science major named Tim. We talked about our majors, what i was doing in swansea, and the Hitch. He had apparently been to morocco on a mission trip himself and gave some tips about bartering and staying healthy. If one promotes christianity in Morocco they can be killed. But more importantly he gave me the first 20 pounds of my fundraising!!! Positive Vibrations. I was really thankful for sure. I couldn't believe a stranger, especially a student, would be so generous, but then just from that meeting he did seem the type. Thanks Tim. The African Children thank you too.

Other news, my laptop cord is kind of broken, but I jimmy rigged it with some electrical tape and a pocket knife, i.e. i taped it to my computer with the disconnected frayed wires tight in the hole. wooooo.

Here's some pictures that don't have anything to do with this segment of my journey:


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